Cover Letterとは
Cover letterは編集者(Editor)に自分の論文をアピールする添え書きです。礼儀がなっていなかったり、どんな論文か分からなかったりするようなcover letterだと編集者の気分を害してしまいます。Cover letterの書き方にもお作法がありますので、定型文を拝借して書きましょう。定型的な部分はChatGPTで対応可能です。
これも流派があるのですが、個人的にはあまりだらだらと書かずにA4 1枚程度が良いと思います。ちなみにcover letterは論文本文ではないのでダブルスペースにする必要はありません。フォントサイズやスペースを調整しましょう。下記はカバーレターの一例です。

雑誌のウェブページには必ず「editorial board」というページがあり、誰が編集長・編集者なのかが記載されているので、editor-in-chiefの名前を見つけて宛先とします。例えばJAMAに出すときには下記のようになります(当時のeditor-in-chiefはDr. Howard Bauchner)。2名いる場合はDrsにしてください。また、投稿先の雑誌の過去の論文が自分の研究にとって重要な場合、その過去の研究を取り上げて、「**が書いたこの論文では***と述べられており、私たちの研究はさらに**であるという関連を発見した」というように書くと効果的です。
October **, 2017
Dr. Bauchner
Journal of American Medical Association
Dear Dr. Bauchner,
Thank you for the opportunity to have our manuscript reviewed for publication. This original research manuscript, titled “(論文のタイトル)” is being submitted as a new manuscript.
In this manuscript, we report an analysis of(この論文のアピールを簡潔に行います)
We believe that our findings will be of interest to the readers of JAMA and be likely to make a significant impact for development and implementation of high quality emergency airway management. We look forward to your thoughts and comments.
Sincerely yours,
Kenkyu Taro on behalf of the authors.
In this manuscript, we report an analysis of 2800 emergency intubations by resident physicians collected by a multicenter prospective registry (the Japanese Emergency Airway Network Registry) of 13 academic and community emergency departments (EDs) across Japan. Although surveillance of this critical procedure is essential for reasons for training, policy, and clinical practice development, comprehensive studies were lacking outside North America. In this multicenter study, we found that ED intubations were primarily managed by resident physicians with acceptably high success rates overall in Japan. The observed success in ED airway management performed by emergency medicine residents, in conjunction with the existing literature from North America, illustrates the advent of emergency medicine as a specialty internationally.
In a recent article published from Chest (Chest 2017;151(1):68-77), Lambert et al. reported the novel association of obesity with worse COPD-related outcomes. They also concluded that “determination of the impact of weight loss on these outcomes in obese patients warrants investigation”. In this context, we applied the self-controlled case series design on large population-based data of obese adults with COPD. The current study demonstrated that bariatric surgery – used as an instrument for investigating the causal effect of weight reduction – is associated with a significantly lower risk of acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD). The risk also remained significantly lower for at least two years. Our inferences lend a significant support to the beneficial role of weight reduction on the COPD disease management in obese populations.