


1. ChatGPTを用いて良いか?


  1. 個人情報をChatGPTに入れて良いかどうか
  2. 症例報告を作成するのにChatGPTを用いていいのかどうか

症例報告は倫理委員会の対象範囲外であり個人の同意があれば報告できます。BMJ Case Reportsなど投稿する雑誌によっては指定の同意書を取得しておく必要があります(これが結構面倒くさい)。そこで、同意取得時に合わせて『論文・報告書作成時にChatGPTなどの生成AIを用います』と同意を取得するのもありだと思います(やったことがあるわけではないので無責任で恐縮ですが)。とはいえ、個人情報を丸ごと入れるのは気になると思いますので、氏名・生年月日・検査値などの部分を適当に自分で置き換えて対応すれば良いでしょう。

何が個人情報に該当するかは難しいですが、米国のHIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act;「医療保険の携行性と責任に関する法律」)では、氏名、電話番号、社会保障番号、アカウント番号、機器の識別子、生体識別子(音声・指紋など)、州より細かい住所、FAX番号、医療記録番号、ライセンス番号、URL、顔全体の写真、生年月日・入退院日時で年以外のもの(月日の情報)、メールアドレス、被保険者番号、車のナンバー、IPアドレス、そのほか固有の識別子などがあります。識別子というのはIDや個人番号などのことです。


次にChatGPTを用いていいかどうかですが、現在は雑誌によって規定が異なるので、投稿先の規定を確認する必要があります。正直case presentationのところなんかは定型に沿って書くだけなので、使っても問題ないのでは、と個人的には思います。気になるなら自分で下書きしてからChatGPTに英文校正として入れてください。

2. ChatGPTを使って書く

症例報告は書き方の『型』が決まっています。(狭義の)臨床研究であれば研究目的がいくつもあり、データベースなども多岐に渡るため難しいですが、症例報告はCARE Guidelinesに従って書けば良いので臨床研究より遥かに楽です。ここから先はChatGPT(GPT-4: 2023年7月19日)を用いて症例報告の原稿を書いてみましょう。あまり詳しく書いても仕方がないので簡略化しています。



【質問1】英語で症例報告をしたいので手伝ってください。 症例は決まっていて、CARE Case Report Guidelinesに準じて書きたいと思います。 まず何をすれば良いですか?

CARE(CAse REport)ガイドラインに従って症例報告を書くためには、次のセクションを順に執筆することが必要です。以下にそれぞれのセクションとその内容について述べます。

  1. タイトル(Title): 症例の主要な特性を具体的に示すこと。
  2. 要約(Abstract): キーワードとともに、ケースの重要な特徴、介入、結果、結論を要約すること。
  3. 導入(Introduction): 読者にこのケースが何故重要なのかを示すこと。また、学術的な背景を提供すること。
  4. 患者の情報(Patient Information): 患者のデモグラフィック情報、主な症状、医療史、家族歴などを示すこと。
  5. 診断、治療、アウトカム(Diagnostic Assessment, Therapeutic Intervention, Follow-up and Outcomes): どのように診断が行われ、どのような治療が選ばれ、その結果とアウトカムを示すこと。
  6. 討論(Discussion): このケースが他のケースとどのように異なるのか、何を新たに示しているのかを説明すること。そして、それが臨床的な意義をどのように持つのかを議論すること。



【質問2】症例報告したいのは次の症例です: 『栄養補助食品の誤用に合併したビタミンD中毒と重症高カルシウム血症の一例』 次はどうすれば良いでしょうか?


  1. タイトル(Title): “A Case of Vitamin D Toxicity and Severe Hypercalcemia Associated with the Misuse of Nutritional Supplements”
  2. 要約(Abstract): ここでは、ケースの全体的な概要を提供します。どのような患者が、どのような症状で診察を受け、どのような診断と治療が行われたのか、そしてその結果と結論を要約します。例: “We present a case of a 45-year-old male who developed severe hypercalcemia and Vitamin D toxicity due to misuse of nutritional supplements. Despite the common usage of Vitamin D supplements, it is rare to see toxicity levels leading to severe hypercalcemia. This case emphasizes the need for public awareness about the potential dangers of supplement misuse.”
  3. 導入(Introduction): 症例の意義や背景を示す部分です。例: “Vitamin D is commonly used as a supplement worldwide. However, its misuse can lead to severe health complications including toxicity and hypercalcemia. We report a case of a patient who developed severe symptoms due to such misuse.”
  4. 患者の情報(Patient Information): ここでは、具体的な患者情報、主訴、既往歴、家族歴を述べます。
  5. 診断、治療、アウトカム(Diagnostic Assessment, Therapeutic Intervention, Follow-up and Outcomes): このケースでどのように診断が行われ、どのような治療が選ばれ、その結果とアウトカムを詳細に説明します。
  6. 討論(Discussion): このケースの重要性、他のケースとの比較、新たな学び、そしてそれがどのように臨床的な意義を持つのかを議論します。例: “This case illustrates the serious consequences of vitamin D supplement misuse, a commonly used over-the-counter supplement. It emphasizes the need for increased public awareness and appropriate monitoring. We also discuss the management of such cases, and the challenges faced due to the patient’s severe hypercalcemia.”



【質問3】症例の導入部分は下記です: 『中年男性が、再発性の嘔吐、吐き気、腹痛、口渇、下痢、5kgの体重減少を訴え、開業医から病院に紹介された。この患者は3ヵ月近く嘔吐を経験しており、民間の栄養士の助言によりビタミン療法を開始してから約1ヵ月後に発症した。』 次はどうしたら良いでしょうか


“A 45-year-old male was referred to our hospital from a private clinic with recurrent vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, thirst, diarrhea, and a weight loss of 5 kg. The patient had been experiencing vomiting for almost three months and these symptoms developed approximately one month after initiating vitamin therapy under the advice of a private nutritionist.”





“The patient was a non-exercising, 45-year-old male who smoked one pack of cigarettes a day and drank alcohol occasionally. He had no significant past medical history, no known allergies, and no family history of similar symptoms or illnesses. He had been taking over-the-counter vitamin supplements as well as prescribed vitamin tablets for an unknown duration. It was not immediately clear the exact type and dosage of these vitamins.”



【質問5】検査結果は次のとおりでした: 『開業医が行った最初の血液検査では、血清カルシウム(アルブミン調整)(3.9mmol/L、参考値: 2.2-2.6mmol/L)、血清クレアチニン(166μmol/L;参考値:64-106μmol/L)、尿素(13.4mmol/L;参考値:2.5-7.8mmol/L)の急性腎障害であった。血清マグネシウム値は1.04mmol/L(参考値:0.7-1.0mmol/L)、血清ビタミンDは400nmol/L以上(参考値:>50 nmol/L)であった。』


“Initial blood tests conducted by the primary care physician revealed severe hypercalcemia with an albumin-adjusted serum calcium of 3.9mmol/L (reference range: 2.2-2.6mmol/L). Acute kidney injury was also indicated by an elevated serum creatinine of 166μmol/L (reference range: 64-106μmol/L) and urea level of 13.4mmol/L (reference range: 2.5-7.8mmol/L). The serum magnesium level was slightly elevated at 1.04mmol/L (reference range: 0.7-1.0mmol/L). Furthermore, serum Vitamin D levels were markedly high, exceeding 400nmol/L, with the sufficient level typically above 50nmol/L.”



【質問6】治療と経過は次の通りでした: 患者は8日間入院し、静脈内輸液療法で水分を補給して、経過を観察した。経口ビスフォスフォネート療法も開始した。入院中、彼は栄養士と薬局の服薬指導を受け、退院後も経口ビスフォスフォネートと制吐薬が継続された。 退院2ヵ月後に内分泌外来で経過観察を行った。補正血清カルシウム値は2.6mmol/Lまで低下した。以後継続的に外来フォローとした。


“The patient was admitted to the hospital for eight days, during which he was rehydrated with intravenous fluids and observed. Oral bisphosphonate therapy was initiated. During his hospital stay, the patient received nutritional advice and medication education from a dietitian and a pharmacist. Upon discharge, he continued with the oral bisphosphonates and antiemetic medications.

Two months post-discharge, the patient was followed up at the endocrinology outpatient clinic. His corrected serum calcium levels had decreased to 2.6mmol/L. He continued to be followed up on an outpatient basis subsequently.”



【質問7】私がこの症例報告から言いたいメッセージは下記の3つです: 1. 患者は治療に対する代替療法または市販薬について、医師の意見を求めることが勧められる。 2. 高カルシウム血症を見た場合、他の病理学的原因を調査する前に栄養学的原因早期に除外すべきである。 3. サプリメントは安全と考えられがちであるが、内服料や組み合わせによっては健康に影響を及ぼす可能性があることを強調すべきである。


“This case underscores several critical insights:

  1. Patients are encouraged to consult with their doctors before starting any alternative or over-the-counter treatments for their conditions. In this case, the patient started vitamin therapy on the advice of a nutritionist without consulting a physician, leading to severe complications.
  2. When encountering hypercalcemia, it is essential to exclude nutritional causes early on before investigating other pathological causes. Our patient’s hypercalcemia was initially missed because the potential for vitamin D overdose and its consequences were not adequately considered.
  3. Supplements are often perceived as safe, but depending on the dosage and combination, they can have significant effects on health. This case emphasizes the importance of regulating and monitoring the intake of nutritional supplements, particularly those sold over-the-counter.”




Title: A Case of Vitamin D Toxicity and Severe Hypercalcemia Secondary to Misuse of Nutritional Supplements

Introduction: A 45-year-old male was referred to our hospital from a private clinic with recurrent vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, thirst, diarrhea, and a weight loss of 5 kg. The patient had been experiencing vomiting for almost three months and these symptoms developed approximately one month after initiating vitamin therapy under the advice of a private nutritionist.

Case Presentation: The patient was a non-exercising, 45-year-old male who smoked one pack of cigarettes a day and drank alcohol occasionally. He had no significant past medical history, no known allergies, and no family history of similar symptoms or illnesses. He had been taking over-the-counter vitamin supplements as well as prescribed vitamin tablets for an unknown duration.

Investigations and Outcomes: Initial blood tests conducted by the primary care physician revealed severe hypercalcemia with an albumin-adjusted serum calcium of 3.9mmol/L (reference range: 2.2-2.6mmol/L). Acute kidney injury was also indicated by an elevated serum creatinine of 166μmol/L (reference range: 64-106μmol/L) and urea level of 13.4mmol/L (reference range: 2.5-7.8mmol/L). The serum magnesium level was slightly elevated at 1.04mmol/L (reference range: 0.7-1.0mmol/L). Serum Vitamin D levels were markedly high, exceeding 400nmol/L, with the sufficient level typically above 50nmol/L.

The patient was admitted to the hospital for eight days, during which he was rehydrated with intravenous fluids and observed. Oral bisphosphonate therapy was initiated. During his hospital stay, the patient received nutritional advice and medication education from a dietitian and a pharmacist. Upon discharge, he continued with the oral bisphosphonates and antiemetic medications.

Two months post-discharge, the patient was followed up at the endocrinology outpatient clinic. His corrected serum calcium levels had decreased to 2.6mmol/L. He continued to be followed up on an outpatient basis subsequently.

Discussion: This case underscores several critical insights:

  1. Patients are encouraged to consult with their doctors before starting any alternative or over-the-counter treatments for their conditions. In this case, the patient started vitamin therapy on the advice of a nutritionist without consulting a physician, leading to severe complications.
  2. When encountering hypercalcemia, it is essential to exclude nutritional causes early on before investigating other pathological causes. Our patient’s hypercalcemia was initially missed because the potential for vitamin D overdose and its consequences were not adequately considered.
  3. Supplements are often perceived as safe, but depending on the dosage and combination, they can have significant effects on health. This case emphasizes the importance of regulating and monitoring the intake of nutritional supplements, particularly those sold over-the-counter.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this case report emphasizes the potential health hazards associated with the misuse of nutritional supplements and the importance of consulting a physician before starting any new treatment. Additionally, it brings to light the necessity to consider nutritional causes when diagnosing hypercalcemia. Clinicians must be aware of the potential risks associated with over-the-counter supplements and educate their patients about safe usage.



