

1. Acknowledgements(謝辞)






・Dr. Kenkyu conducted the data analysis and created the tables and figures.
・Dr. Tokei provided his statistical expertise.
・Ms. Kosei provided a critical review and helped edit the manuscript.

2. Contributorship

1. 自由記載するパターン
2. 共著一人一人に対してどのような役割を行ったかを記載するパターン
3. 具体的なエフォートを入力させるパターン


YR contributed to the design of the study, data analysis, and interpretation of the results and writing the manuscript. TG contributed to the design of the study and interpretation of the results and critically reviewed the manuscript. MKF, DFMB, and CAC contributed to the acquisition of and maintaining the data and critically reviewed the manuscript. KH contributed to the analysis of the data, design of the study, and interpretation of the result and critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors finally approved the final version of manuscript.


  • Drs Goto and Hasegawa had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
  • Concept and design: Goto, Hasegawa.
  • Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors.
  • Drafting of the manuscript: Goto, Faridi.
  • Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Goto, Camargo, Freishtat, Hasegawa.
  • Statistical analysis: Goto, Hasegawa.
  • Obtained funding: Camargo.
  • Administrative, technical, or material support: Faridi, Hasegawa.
  • Supervision: Camargo, Freishtat, Hasegawa.

3. Data sharing/availability statement


Data availability statementの書き方



Due to the nature of this research, participants of this study did not agree for their data to be shared publicly, so supporting data is not available.

・著者と相談の場合(systematic review/meta-analysisなどで用いられる可能性がある場合)

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [author initials], upon reasonable request.

4. Supplemental material

Supplemental material(補足資料)は論文に書ききれなかった情報を記載するところです。有効活用しましょう。Supplemental materialに入れるものとして、

  1. 本文に入りきらなかった方法(患者選択基準や疾患名のコードなど)
  2. 本文に入れるほどではないが重要な図表・結果

があります。論文の結果が出たら、まずはメインとなる図表を決めますが、それ以外に「これは入れた方が理解の助けになるな」と思われるものは全てsupplemental materialに入れておきましょう。Supplementalの図表はWordに貼り付けたものがそのままWord/PDF形式でダウンロードされるため、Word/PDFファイルで見た時に綺麗に見えているかどうかが大事です。


Supplemental material

Machine learning–based prediction of clinical outcomes for children during emergency department triage. 

Authors: Goto T, Camargo CA Jr, Faridi MK, Freishtat RJ, Hasegawa K.

eTable 1. Missingness in Predictors in Emergency Department Children (n=52,037)
eTable 2. Predictor Variables and Outcomes Between Analytic and Non-analytic Cohort
eTable 3. The Number of Actual Outcomes and Predicted Outcomes of Prediction Models in the Test Set
eFigure. Importance of Each Predictor in the Random Forest Models

次>>Cover Letter
